Law Enforcement Relation Tips

CHICAGO --A young black male, Anthony Webber, was brutally shot and murdered by L.A. deputies February 4, 2018. Webber was confronted by two deputies because they were informed to be on the lookout for an armed young black male in the area.

Because the deputies showed unnecessary force, Webber ran. The officers then continued to report that they finally confronted the young male at the end of an alley.

Reports said he had a gun; although, there was no gun found at the scene. Family and officials alike are continuing the investigation to get to the bottom of this unfortunate accident.

Yet and still it is undetermined if Webber had a firearm, but one thing is for certain, the blatant racism toward our black children is evident and something needs to change.

There’s a trend of police killing black youth. Though slavery has long been dismantled, institutional racism is alive and real. To ensure the same unfortunate events don’t occur to your child, here are a few tips they can use when confronted by law enforcement:

  • Never provoke an officer in any way shape or form.

  • There’s a recent law encouraging citizens to now record any interaction with the police.

  • By recording your interactions with the police, you are pressuring that officer to behave accordingly.

There’s a very low number of incidents where an officer abused his power while being recorded knowingly.

By Bryce Wilkins


The Life Of A Runaway Teen


A Change In Law Enforcement